~ dirikUdiriMu ~

My photo
:: Sukew snyUm :: Sukew CekeLet + Ch0pa-ch0ps + jajan :: Shukew bce n0veL :: sUkew brNgn :: sUkew kc0 0wNg :: t0uchiNg :: x CyNtek p0wN :: sukew kNk2 :: sUkew jLn2 :: StUdent p0Lytechnic

:: datebL0gCyNtaMatiku ::

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

:: tarikhciNtaMatikU ::

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

28 April 2010

:: malam Pra gaduati0n ::

skunk nie nk Share berkaitn hal dlm tempt kU stUdy nie..
2 mNgU dr skUnk adew wt mLm Pra graduati0n..
berteMakan " arabiaN " ...
PeNiN pLer fikirkN bNd Nie..
s0oo..jLn Mudh bg kU..wt dek je (wt x thU)..
rMai mmber Pkai jUbh MusLimh..akU?? hehehehe.
Sajak kew Pkai jbh??s00..i thiNk better Pakai beSe2 je..akU deCide Pakai dress LbUh.. - waLaup0wN 2 bUkN dri akU yNG Sbn0rNye -

k0rUnk rase kL0 Pakai dress Macam dak ni k x ??

kew Nk McaM nie ??


** s0o0o...kL0 Nk thU jwnNyer..tUnggU Next p0st k..

:: detik2 yNg meNdebarkN ::


iM s0 sCare..

c0z PreseNtati0n 0ur fiNaL p0jeCt m0re nearLy...
head getting dizzy when I think of projects like my lifeless..
oh no .. I hope I have a project to enter final..
pray that we have successfully managed projects...

13 April 2010

:: tears 0f ..... ::

Masih lagi dalam delima berkaitan hubungan sesama manusia….
aku disini hanya insan yang selalu tersepit dengan kata hati ku sendiri….
Perlukah aku untuk berdamping dengan mana – mana insan dimuka bumi ini…

aku ini memang insan yang tiada guna…dari kecil aku sentiasa merasa keperitan menjalankan kehidupan….

Sehingga kini,.,aku masih lagi tercari – cari siapa diri ini???

Seumur hidup ini tidak pernah aku merasa bahgia…hanya selalu menyusahkan orang lain,
dari kedua ibu bapa aku hinga kehari ini aku menyusahkan insane bergelar “ TEMAN ”…

Aku redha dengan ketentuan ILAHI…

Dimana perlu aku meletakan wajah ku ini…di setiap ku berada…pasti akhirnya maslah yang menimpa…kawan…….akhirnya menjadi lawan…..

Yaaaaa….aku memang keras hati n kepala batu…tapi setiap orang ada sikap dan tabiat tersendiri……hanya aku yang masih tidak diterima oleh insan yang berada di sekeliling…aku lemah…ak tidak segagah ibu ku….ingin terasa seperti mahu menjadi seorang yang tuli dengan keadaaan semasa dan juga sekeliling…tapi naluri manusia dan juga perasaan simpati ini masih tersemat dalam diri…..aku gagahkan kaki dan tangn ini membantu insane yang lebih lemah dari diri ini….

Bukan mengunnkit mahupun membangkit…tetapi apa yang aku lakukan selama ini masih tidak dapat aku rasai penghargaan….aku tidak perlukan itu semua,,,apa yang aku prluakan adalah kasih saying dan juga tolenransi antara aku dan juga insane yang bernama “ TEMAN ”…

Salahkah aku ketawa??? Salahkah aku gembira ?? salahkah aku tersenyum?? Salahkah aku berjenaka??? Salahkah aku terlalu bertimbang rasa???salahkah aku menrima hluran salam mesra??salahkah aku mengucapkan hye kepadanya???salahkah aku memberi salam kepada mereka???

Jikalau YA….kenapa dati dulu tidak ditolak…kenapa ikut tertawa??kenapa ikut gembira??kenapa membalas senyuman??kenapa terhibur dengan jenaka tu??kenapa memberikan ku rasa simpati??kenapa sambut huluran salam??kenapa membalas hye??kenapa menjawab salam??

Jika TIDAK kenapa lakukan aku sebegini……aku hanya manusia yang kerdil dan kilaf…sentiasa melakukan suatu perkara mengikut hati,nafsu dan juga perasaan…sama sepeerti insane lain…

Persoalanya adakah aku memang diciptkan bukan untuk merasa adanay TEMAN disisi ini untuk selamaya....

Apa yang ku dapat kesengsaraan,,
hingga bahu ku turut menerima nasib yang sma....
menghenyut kesebakan....

:: v0ice fr0m Ma heart ::

Kehidupan ini memang sukar nak dijangka…kadang – kala kita diatas. Kadankala –akala kita dibawah…apa yang ingin dikataka disini adalah tentang kehidupan bersama sahabat…adakah perlu seseorang itu bersahabat????orang dimaksudkan ini dalah aku sendiri…aku???? apa yang terjadi pada aku???? perlukah ada teman disisi???

Aku redha kalau itu yang telah ditetapkan oleh ALLAH untuk aku…I will change myself…4 all My fwenz….

08 April 2010

:: The Rose Family ::

The Rose Family

The rose is a rose,
And was always a rose.
But the theory now goes

That apple's a rose,

And the pear is and so's

The plum, I suppose.

The dear only know

What will next prove a rose.

You, of course, are a rose--

But were always a rose.

~~~Poem by Robert Frost

~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path,
Whatever obstacle blocks your way,
Whatever difficulty immobilized you,
The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~.

~~~Kebahagiaan Hidup Yang Tertinggi Adalah
Keyakinan Yang Diri Kita Dicintai. Cinta
Ibarat Seperti Petir, Anda Tidak Dapat
Meneka Di mana Akan Terjadi, Tahu-tahu
Sudah Terserang~~~

~~~WithluvMyfairlad y~~~

07 April 2010

Azab Bagi Wanita (tlg ingatkan kpd semua kaum perempuan yang kamu kenal)

Saudara dan saudari kaum muslimin dan muslimat Renungan khususnya
untuk para wanita dan diri sendiri.....

Sayidina Ali ra menceritakan suatu ketika melihat Rasulullah
menangis manakala ia datang bersama Fatimah . Lalu keduanya bertanya
mengapa Rasul menangis.

Beliau menjawab, "Pada malam aku di-isra'- kan , aku melihat
perempuan-perempuan yang sedang disiksa dengan berbagai siksaan.
Itulah sebabnya mengapa aku menangis. Karena,
menyaksikan mereka yang sangat berat dan mengerikan siksanya.

Putri Rasulullah kemudian menanyakan apa yang dilihat ayahandanya.
"Aku lihat ada perempuan digantung rambutnya, otaknya mendidih.

Aku lihat perempuan digantung lidahnya, tangannya diikat ke belakang
dan timah cair dituangkan ke dalam tengkoraknya.

Aku lihat perempuan tergantung kedua kakinya dengan terikat
tangannya sampai ke ubun-ubunnya, diulurkan ular dan kalajengking.

Dan aku lihat perempuan yang memakan badannya sendiri, di bawahnya
dinyalakan api neraka. Serta aku lihat perempuan yang bermuka hitam,
memakan tali perutnya sendiri.

Aku lihat perempuan yang telinganya pekak dan matanya buta,
dimasukkan ke dalam peti yang dibuat dari api neraka, otaknya keluar
dari lubang hidung, badannya berbau busuk karena penyakit sopak dan

Aku lihat perempuan yang badannya seperti himar, beribu-ribu
kesengsaraan dihadapinya. Aku lihat perempuan yang
rupanya seperti anjing, sedangkan api masuk melalui mulut dan keluar
dari duburnya sementara malikat memukulnya dengan pentung dari api
neraka,"kata Nabi.

Fat imah Az-Zahra kemudian menanyakan mengapa mereka disiksa seperti itu?

*Rasulullah menjawab, "Wahai putriku, adapun mereka yang tergantung
rambutnya hingga otaknya mendidih adalah wanita yang tidak menutup
rambutnya sehingga terlihat oleh laki-laki yang bukan muhrimnya.

*Perempuan yang digantung susunya adalah istri yang 'mengotori' tempat

*Perempuan yang tergantung kedua kakinya ialah perempuan yang tidak
taat kepada suaminya, ia keluar rumah tanpa izin suaminya, dan
perempuan yang tidak mau mandi suci dari haid dan nifas.

*Perempuan yang memakan badannya sendiri ialah karena ia berhias untuk
lelaki yang bukan muhrimnya dan suka mengumpat orang lain.

*Perempuan yang memotong badannya sendiri dengan gunting api neraka
karena ia memperkenalkan dirinya kepada orang yang kepada orang lain
bersolek dan berhias supaya kecantikannya dilihat laki-laki yang bukan

*Perempuan yang diikat kedua kaki dan tangannya ke atas ubun-ubunnya
diulurkan ular dan kalajengking padanya karena ia bisa shalat tapi
tidak mengamalk annya dan tidak mau mandi junub.

* Perempuan yang kepalanya seperti babi dan badannya seperti himar
ialah tukang umpat dan pendusta.. Perempuan yang menyerupai anjing
ialah perempuan yang suka memfitnah dan membenci suami."Mendengar itu,
Sayidina Ali dan Fat imah Az-Zahra pun turut menangis.

** Dan inilah peringatan kepada kaum perempuan. **

:: kaLauLah ::

Kalaulah aku tahu sakaratul maut itu

Jiwa meregang...
Tubuh pun bergetar-getar hebat, berbaur jeritan ketakutan

atau linangan air mata bahagia kerana ingin bertemu Rabb-nya.
Ditarik, dan dicabut dari setiap urat nadi, syaraf,
dan akar rambut. Ini sebuah titah, ia harus kembali
kepada pemilik-Nya.
Allahu Akbar, janji-Mu telah tiba.

Yaa Robbi... alangkah sakit dan pedih.
Perih laksana tiga ratus tusukan pedang, atau ringan
bagaikan sebuah pengait saat dimasukkan dan ditarik
dari gumpalan bulu yang basah. Duhai jiwa, seandainya
engkau tahu bahawa sakaratul maut itu lebih ngeri dan
dahsyat dari semua sketsa yang ada.

Sayup terdengar lantunan ayat suci Al Qur'an, dan
sesegukan air mata yang tumpah. Lalu, hening berbalut sepi.
Semakin hening, bening..., menggantikan hingar bingar
dunia di kala pagi yang penat dan siang yang
meranggas. Diam pun menyisakan kepiluan, kesedihan
atau berjuta kenangan. Dia telah pergi, dan tak akan
pernah kembali.

Yaa Allah..., inikah kepastian yang telah Engkau tetapkan?

Di mana tumpukan harta yang telah terkumpul sekian
lama? Pelayan yang setia, rumah mewah, kendaraan,
kebun rindang dan subur, pakaian yang indah, dan
orang-orang tercinta, dimanakah kini kamu berada?
Semua telah direnggut kematian, dicampakkan, dan
dihempaskannya kenikmatan dunia yang dahulu terlalu
dielu-elukan. Adakah segala amanah dapat menuai
pahala, duhai Allah.

Kegelapan pun menyeruak, hitam pekat laksana jelaga,
sungguh mengerikan sebagian jiwa yang akan berteman
dengan amalan jahat hingga tibanya hari kiamat.
Mencekam, berbaur jeritan keras memekakkan telinga,
"Jangan Kau datangkan kiamat yaa Allah, sungguh aku
disini sudah sangat tersiksa!!!" saat diperlihatkan tempatnya di neraka.

Bagi sebagian lainnya, alam kubur justru membuat
bahagia. Berteman amal sholeh yang diibaratkan sebagai
manusia dengan paras sangat menyenangkan. Lalu ia pun
menjerit, menangis bahagia saat ditunjukkan tempatnya
di surga, "Datangkan hari kiamat sekarang yaa Allah,
aku ingin segera ke sana!!!"

Erat menyiratkan takut dan pilu serta lantunan
senandung duka. Menciptakan nada-nada pedih dan gamang
yang kadang menghujam iman, hingga hati pun bertanya,
mengapa selalu ada perpisahan? Rasa itu menghantam dan
menikam pada keluarga yang ditinggalkan.

Namun kematian adalah suatu keniscayaan, karena ia
telah dijanjikan. Kematian pun hakikatnya adalah
sahabat akrab bagi setiap yang bernyawa. Sayang,
kesadaran itu begitu menghentak saat orang-orang yang
kita cintalah yang direnggutnya. Ketika itu auranya
begitu dekat, serasa setiap helaan nafas beraroma

Duhai jiwa...
Sadarkah engkau bahwa kelak kuburan adalah tempat
peristirahatan? Sudahkah engkau siapkan malam pertama
di sana, seperti kau sibukkan diri menjelang malam
pertama pernikahan? Tidakkah engkau tahu bahwa ia
adalah malam yang sangat mengerikan, malam yang
membuat orang-orang sholeh menangis saat memikirkannya.

Kau gerakkan lidah ini untuk membaca Al Qur'an, tetapi
tingkah lakumu tak pernah kau selaraskan. Kau kenal
setan, tapi mereka kau jadikan teman. Kau ucapkan
bahwa RasuluLlah SallaLlaahu Alayhi Wasallam adalah
kecintaan, namun sunnah-Nya kau tinggalkan. Kau
katakan ingin masuk surga, tapi tak pernah berhenti
berbuat dosa. Tak henti-hentinya kau sibukkan dirimu
dengan kesalahan saudaramu sendiri, padahal engkau pun
bukan manusia suci. Saat kau kebumikan sahabat-sahabat
yang telah mendahului, mengapa kau mengira dirimu tak
akan pernah mati?

AstaghfiruLlah al 'adzim...

Duhai Allah...
Engkau yang Maha Mendengar
Dengarkan munajat ini yaa Robbi, berilah kesempatan
untuk kami selalu memperbaiki diri
Jadikan diri ini bersih, hingga saat menghadap-Mu nanti

Allaahumma hawwin 'alainaa fii sakaraatil maut
Allaahumma hawwin 'alainaa fii sakaraatil maut
Allaahumma hawwin 'alainaa fii sakaraatil maut

Ringankan kematian kami yaa Allah, mudahkanlah duhai
Pemilik Jiwa
Jadikan hati ini ikhlas saat malaikat maut menyapa
Hingga kematian menjadi sangat indah, kematian yang
husnul khaatimah

Wallahua'lam bi showab.

()"" ' )
( ,'o' )")
(,,)(")(") "

:: zuǝʍɟɐɯʎɐpɟnq ::

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_______$$$$$_$$ $___$$$$$$
__________$$$$$$$$ $$

ser0n0k saMbut bUfday mMber...
h0pe dy 0wayz Ceria ngN Life dy..

fweNz 4 eva...

05 April 2010

:: shUkewSngt2 ::

.... eLm0OheLm0 .....

teMaN2 bLey x bg thU i ediSi meNgeNai " eLm0 " ...
waaaaa....i sUeh gLer byNg dh Nie...
gLer2 NgN aNimated i2...


* elm0... *

:: bLer bUhsaNmeyeLubUnig diri ::

bUhsan dh weh 0n9 FB-MS-YM...
xdew mMber dh...bLer kU x 0n9 adew je st0ry m0ry beSh2...
tP bLer kU dh bLi br0adbaNd (c0z nk Chat Nyer PsaL kN ) xdew puLek Cter geMpaQ2...

teNsi0nNyer !!!!!!!!!

x dPt Nk dgMbrkN r ...dh McM baby Nie dh aQ rSeNyer..

** tht y skUnk nie nk jiNaj2 LayaN bL0g puLek **

04 April 2010

:: 0ne m0m and three dads ::

- Synopsis -

Song Na Young and her husband, Jung Sung Min, desperately want a child but her husband is unable to get her pregnant. Her husband's friends decide to help them. But Na Young suddenly loses her husband in an accident and she gives birth to her daughter but does not know which of her husband's friends fathered her child. The father of Na Young's child can either be Han Soo Hyun, Choi Kwang Hee, or Hwang Kyung Tae.

:: My l0ve Patzzi ::

- Synopsis -

Song Yi is a girl with a pure heart with a bad temper. She was tricked and humiliated by her "best friend" Hee Won as a child. From then on, Hee Won has always been the princess and successful while everyone mistook Song Yi as the evil child. When Song Yi did not have a job, Hee Won introduced her to the amusement park that she is in charge of. There she found her childhood friend and ex-crush Hyun Sung, who Hee Won has "stole" when they were kids. From then on, Hee Won tried to humiliate Song Yi many times, framing her in many situations that Hee Won has created herself. To get back at Hee Won, she decided to break the train that the park was launching so that Hee Won would be blamed. Little did she know that she caused more damage and that the train caught on fire. What was worse was that the son of the president of the park was in the train. Ridden with guilt, Song Yi risks her own life to save the life of Seung Joon. Seung Joon fell in love with Song Yi for her brave spirit and charming attitude, but what will happen to their relationship when Hee Won exposes to the world of what she has done?

:: c0ffee PriNce ::


Choi Han Kyul, played by Gong Yoo, is the cocky son of a very rich family who runs a damaged food corporation. He doesn't believe in love and certainly doesn't want to get married despite his family's requests. On the other hand, Go Eun Chan, played by Yoon Eun Hye, is a 24-year old tomboyish female who gets mistaken as a guy quite often. She takes up every job possible — waitress, food deliverer, etc — and has the responsibility of taking care of her mother and younger sister. Eun Chan accidentally meets Han Kyul twice, once on a delivery and once during a robbery. During the robbery, Eun Chan's delivery motorcycle ends up being damaged. Han Kyul, not knowing that Eun Chan is actually a girl, decides to hire Eun Chan as a false "lover" so that he can escape the blind dates arranged by his grandmother. Meanwhile, Han Kyul's cousin, Choi Han Seong, is an established music producer and his ex-girlfriend Han Yoo Joo, who Han Kyul secretly loved for nine years, is a famous artist who studied in New York. The two were lovers for about 8 years but their relationship ended when Yoo Joo broke up with Han Seong. Two years after they separated their paths cross again when Yoo Joo returns to Seoul.

After getting an ultimatum from his grandmother, Han Kyul takes over a run-down severely damaged old coffee shop, later renamed Coffee Prince, to prove his ability, both to his grandmother and Yoo Joo. In order to attract female customers, he only hires good looking male employees. In a struggle with money, Eun Chan, whom Han Kyul has already mistaken as a boy, hides her gender identity to get a job at Coffee Prince. Soon feelings start to spark between Eun Chan and Han Kyul. Because he's unaware that Eun Chan is a girl, Han Kyul starts to question his sexuality.

:: PriNcess h0urs ::

- Synopsis -

Set in an alternate 21st-century reality where Korea possesses a royal family, since 1945 to present, this show revolves around the lives of the Crown Prince (Hwangtaeja) Lee Shin, and his new bride, Chae-kyeong. The depicted royal family in the show is modelled after the last royal family of Korea, which in reality reigned until the start of the Japanese Occupation in 1910 and was not reinstated after Japanese surrender in Second World War, 1945.

The series starts off with the news that the King, Shin's father, is very ill. With the grim outlook on the King's health, the royal family scrambles to find a wife for Shin, so as to allow him to take over the royal throne if the situation requires. Despite being in love with another girl, the ambitious and talented ballerina Hyo-rin whom Shin initially proposed to (she rejects him to pursue her ballet dreams), Shin eventually marries a commoner to whom he was betrothed by his late grandfather in an old agreement with the girl's grandfather. Shin marries the headstrong yet lovable Chae-kyeong after Hyo-rin's rejection. Despite initially feeling nothing for Chae-kyeong, love eventually blossoms between the couple.

In the meantime, however, matters are further complicated with the return of Yi Yul and his mother Lady Hwa-Young, who was once the Crown Princess (Bingoong) before the death of her husband, the late Crown Prince, older brother of the current King. Yul and his mother were chased out of the palace some time after the death of his father, and it is later revealed that this was due to the King's discovery of an affair between Yul's mother and the current King who was his father's younger brother. Yul's mother had returned with a sinister motive in mind; to restore her son back to the throne, which would have been his eventually, if his father had not died. A series of events befall the palace with the schemes Yul's mother carries out, and is further intensified by the various scandals involving the royal family, which are inclusive of the Shin's continuing relationship with his old flame Hyo-rin, and the budding love Yul develops for Chae-kyeong, his cousin's new-found bride.

:: Winter s0nata ::

- Storyline -

The story begins when Joon-sang, who is the son of an eminent musician who moves to Chuncheon; a rural city in South Korea. As an extraordinarily talented student, Joon-sang is welcomed by his fellow students as well as teachers, but remains a quiet, introverted young man. As a result of his belief that his father is dead and serious conflicts with his mother, Joon-sang believes that no one truly loves him.

On one fortuitous day on the ride to school, Joon-sang's classmate Yu-jin interrupts him on the bus. Joon-sang soon falls in love with Yu-jin, who opens herself to him with an innocent heart. Their love, however, is cut short after Joon-sang is involved in a serious auto-accident and, due to brain damage, is unable to recall his past life.

Joon-sang's mother, desiring Joon-sang's love and respect, has Joon-sang brainwashed by a psychologist, so that Joon-sang will not remember his painful memories of growing up as an illegitimate child. As a result, Joon-sang's memories prior to the accident are erased. Joon-sang's mother decides to move to the United States with Joon-sang, where he can start a new life under the identity of Li Min-hyung. As such, both his friends and teachers are told that Joon-sang is dead.

Ten years later, Joon-sang is an award-winning architect in the United States. He does not remember anything about his life in Korea. He is completely different, an open-minded person who cares about other people, including his mother. He returns to Korea and Yu-jin sees him on the street, prompting her to put off her engagement to childhood friend Sang-hyuk. Little does she know that Joon-sang is dating her friend and sometime rival Che-lin. The story's plot intensifies when Yu-jin begins work at the firm where Joon-sang is employed, and tries to find out if he is her lost lover Joon-sang.

:: witCh y0u hee ::

- Storyline -

Ma Yoo Hee (Han Ga In) is the executive of an advertising company. She would never be caught dead wearing make-up and only dresses in black. Her hairstyle and glasses are very business like looks, her only enjoyment in life appears to be the times when she's criticising everything and anyone. All of her employees and co-workers fear her and she is constantly talked about when she's not around. Her stern and harsh nature has earned her the nickname 'witch' When it comes to romance she is hopeless. No matter how many blind dates she has, not one has ever led to a second. The reason for this is her negativity and her inability to loosen up and express herself. She is, however, completely oblivious of her faults and cannot comprehend why she is so bad when it comes to love.

Chae Mu-Ryong (Jae Hee) is an aspiring chef with a passion for French cuisine. He has an innate ability when it comes to taste and perfection. Every piece of food and every plate he prepares must be perfect. However this tends to get him into a lot of trouble because when working in a kitchen every moment counts and there is not possibly enough time to take so much care in preparation and decoration of meals. His criticism of a head chef's cooking causes him to lose his job. His parents have never really approved of his aspirations and dreams to be a famous chef and insist he return to medical school. He decides to enroll back into medical school but changes his mind at the last minute and decides not to.

Mu-Ryong discusses everything with his best friend and ends up going on a blind date to pretend to be someone else who backed out at the last minute. He declines at first since he already has a girlfriend, but his friend offers him money, and warns him however that the woman he will be meeting is rather different.

The woman he meets is Yoo Hee, and while under normal circumstances she would be rude, brash and boring, she tries to be nice and happy in an attempt to succeed on the date. However, her pretending is not very convincing and Mu-Ryong figures that it would be a matter of time before she loses it. The date ends when Mu-Ryong falls asleep for a moment, resulting in Yoo Hee throwing a glass of water at his face and calling him rude. He retorts back to her also, telling her to take care of her appearance the next time she goes on a blind date. The two then leave on bad terms.

While delivering food from his father's Chinese restaurant, Mu-Ryong becomes involved in a car accident, coincidentally with Yoo Hee. They exchange insurance information and Yoo Hee learns that he lied to her on their date, realizing that he is 1 year younger than her, and that he met her only as a favor to a friend.

Yoo Hee demands the money for the damage to her car to be paid within a week. However, Mu-Ryong doesn't have any money, and yet Yoo Hee is unwilling to compromise with him. He decides to use his school tuition, which was given to him by his parents, to pay for her car. However, he loses the money after being mugged on the way to pay her.

Mu-Ryong tells Yoo Hee he doesn't have the money but is willing to work it off, no matter how long it takes or what he must do for her to pay her back. Yoo Hee decides that Mu-Ryong could repay her by working as her house keeper, since she continuously loses her previous keepers.

Meanwhile, Mu-Ryongs girlfriend Seung Mi who works at her father's restaurant, is expecting a new head chef: Johnny Kruger (Dennis Oh), a world renowned chef who also happens to be Mu-Ryong's idol and an acquaintance of Yoo Hee as well. Also her first love (Yoo Joon Ha) comes back from studying abroad and is now a renowned doctor. She sees him at a college reunion but is completely embarrassed when her friend (Sae Ra) pulls down her skirt and Yoo Hee is wearing mini mouse boxers.

As Moo Ryung is working as housekeeper he realizes that Yoo Hee has not been on dates for a while and is continuously being reject on her blind dates. One night while drinking Moo Ryung doesn't understand why Yoo Hee get so upset when she's dumped when she shows up on dinner dates dressed like a spy. She then challenges him to fix her love life and if he is successful she will forget about the debt. He agrees. They agree to a contract.

He begins by changing her entire wardrobe then her cold manner. He repeats in his lessons, "smile", "be kind" and "be polite". She gradually changes but completely blows good date when she flips him on his back for putting his hands on her hip in an effort to keep her from falling. She tries to be more feminine and gets much better response from men but she realizes finding love is easier said than done. She asks him if he can continue to be her pretend boyfriend unless he can find her a lover. He again agree but thinks Johnny could be the possible candidate.

Yoo Hee continues to take the dating tips and Moo Ryung continues to be her pretend boyfriend, but since Moo Ryung already has a girlfriend(Seung Mi) there are a lot of misunderstandings. Seung Mi is uncomfortable with him living in Yoo Hee's house: part jealousy and pride and part insecurities. Yoo Hee also continues to fall in love with her first love, who is engaged. She keeps her distance until Sae Ra tells her he broke off the engagement. She invites him to a drink and she asks if they can date but he walks out on her because he has made a deal with her father, just like before. Yoo Hee's father made a deal with Joon Ha when Yoo Hee and him were both in college. If Joon Ha stop seeing his daughter he would fund Joon Ha's studies abroad.

Feeling for each other(Yoo Hee and Joon Ha) grow deeper, but soon she learns that Joon Ha only loves her because of her father and his financial gains from the relationship. She leaves him on the altar and runs away to the country, but they are found by Yoo Hee's manager. She returns to her father, but confesses her love for Moo Ryung. For some period they seem to have a good and honest relationship. It's romantic and sweet. Moo Ryung tells her often how much he loves her unlike Joon Ha who thinks saying "love you" is childish. He continuously interrupts the relationship by wanting to see Yoo Hee. He threatens Moo Ryung while Yoo Hee's father ruins his own daughter by destroying her advertising company and cancelling her credit cards.

Because of the constant phone calls and run ins, she ultimately meet with Joon Ha. He tells her that he loves her, but she's disgusted and leaves because she know its a lie. He ends up getting into an "accident" and can never use his hand again: meaning the end of his career as a surgeon. She then leaves Moo Ryung and goes to his bedside. The engagement and wedding is back on even though its clear that she doesn't love him nor does he. In celebration they(Joon Ha, Yoo Hee, and Yoo Hee's father) go to lunch. Joon Ha could not pick up his knife to cut because of his hand so Yoo Hee cuts for him. Then she gets a call from Johnny. She leaves the table to answer it. Johnny tells her that he's leaving for New York the next day and that Moo Ryung is going too. She hangs up but is devastated. She hears her father from behind the curtain telling Joon Ha to give up the hospital before Yoo Hee gets suspicious and to not mess up this time. Joon Ha has no objection but grabs the cup of water with his "broken hand".

Yoo Hee goes to the hospital the next day to confirm what she saw at the restaurant. She sees Joon Ha walking across the hall ready to go do a surgery. His cast is gone and his hand is fine. She catches him and her father both in a lie together. She walks away disgusted but her father has a heart attack and decides to stay.

Moo Ryung is at the airport with Johnny waiting, wishing that Yoo Hee comes to see him. When Yoo Hee's father waits up he is embarrassed by what he's done and tells her to leave. Then Joon Ha waiting outside the door tries to make one last attempt to make her stay with him but she tells that she has to see Moo Ryung and he offers her a ride. She meets Moo Ryung. He didn't get on the plane because of her and they embrace and kiss.

p/s :: ** dennis oh is soo hot! **